Saturday, November 2, 2019

.october routine: closing thoughts.

see more on bedtime & morning routines

okay, so.

I had a much different vision for october posts. the plan was to do a quick blog post every night, many of which were forgotten about until way later and then tons of backtracking posts were made. the posts were rushed and missing content. additionally, I was noticing how my other posts were buried in all of the routine posts.

I made the decision to take down the individual posts and do one summary post.

for reference, this was the format I was following to track my routines.

night routine
was the routine followed: yes/no
how well did I sleep: scale of 1-10
hours slept: x hours

any additional notes:

morning routine
was the routine followed: yes/no
how did I feel throughout the day: scale of 1-10
did I get to work on time: yes/no

any additional notes:

here we go!

so in the original daily posts, I'd answered "no" I hadn't followed the routines - but for the most part, I actually had. the major thing I was counting was whether or not I'd done the stretching (most days I did not). but most days, I was still winding down early, going to bed earlier, getting up earlier, and getting to work on time more regularly. I also got a gym membership again, and just recently started going early in the morning as well as after work. 

there were days that I didn't sleep much (one night in particular where I really didn't sleep at all), some days I stayed in bed a little too long or went to sleep so late. 

overall, I think I did work on creating better habits, so I deem a success!

until next time, 
emily renee

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