Saturday, September 14, 2019

.intro 2.0.

welcome to my newest blog (again)!

I've had several of these started up over the years, and am getting back into it as I adventure through life. this specific one was created in 2016 and, here I am, rebooting it, and, here you are, reading it. welcome.

to catch you up to who I am:
  • college grad (BA, English - Creative Writing, minor: Marketing)
  • full-time employee (currently at a small private school, admissions/records/marketing/summer specialist)
  • available for hire (website design, social media overhaul/management, content writing, dog-sitting, marketing consultant)
  • dog lover (cats are great too, but I am allergy-sensitive)
  • sibling to, like, a thousand people (six biological siblings, seven international, two by sisters' marriage, and many, many more who I've chosen as brothers and sisters)
  • auntie to the cutest, smartest, most beautiful baby girl, who is now a full year old (also faux auntie to a few other favorites)
  • super indecisive (unless I know all seventeen sides to the situation/opportunity, I'm looking to other people to make the decisions OR unless I know you *neeeeed* me to choose)
  • lactose intolerant (but a lover of cheese and ice creams - a blessing or a curse, we'll never know)
  • book lover (don't ask me about authors, because I'm awful with their names and sometimes book titles - stories/plots/details are what I remember best, so let's have a discussion on that)
  • perfectionist (this is probably where most of my life problems derive from, honestly)
  • feminist (because why not. seriously. why the heck not)
  • health & fitness enthusiast (kick-started back into it in March 2016 & working on it ever since, ever-searching for the most viable options to my lifestyle & personality)
  • a planner (would you like to see my excel sheets for planning a weekend away trip? they're excessive)

these are just a few samplings, and there's always more to a person than what they volunteer. stick around and get to know me more, and let me get to know you too. (or not - I'm not your father.)

I plan to post once a week, so we shall see where this newest adventure takes me!

until next time,
emily renee

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